Surviving Emotional Abuse
Here is a list of "Bill of Rights of Survivors of Emotional Abuse". I came across it at a training about the effects of emotional manipulation. If you or someone you know has been in a manipulative or emotionally abusive relationship, this is a great tool to regain a sense of personal rights and boundaries.
Bill of Rights for Survivors of Emotional Abuse:
I have the right to say “no” and not be hassled or emotionally manipulated because I said no.
I have a right to have honesty from anyone I am involved with.
I have a right to exit a relationship.
I have a right to safety at all times.
I have a right to loyalty with partners, friends, family and co-workers.
I have a right to forgive, but I have a right to forgive without continuing the relationship.
I have a right to make my own decisions.
I have a right to feel good about myself.
I have a right to eliminate people from my life who continually emotionally manipulate me.
I have a right to have and believe my own opinions.
I have a right to disagree with people, but still have a good relationship with them.
I have a right to have as many friends as I want.
I have a right to unconditional love.
I have a right to expect integrity and authenticity from people.
I have a right to have a balanced life, including a close partner, friends and family.
I have a right to confront anyone who tried to emotionally manipulate me.
I have a right to my own distinct and unique identity.
Emotional Manipulation: Understanding Manipulators and Helping Their Victims by Jim Fogarty, EdD